Ai Literacy Course

Learning experience overview
Artificial intelligence has moved from conceptual discussions, research labs, and sci-fi movies to practical impact in classrooms. The current frenzied interest in generative AI, such as ChatGPT, Bard, Clause, MidJourney, and Dalle-2 has forced all school leaders and teachers to confront the possible impacts AI has on teaching, learning, and assessment.
For many, AI is a nebulous and unapproachable concept. How does AI work? What does it do with data? Can it think? Can I trust it? In order for teachers to support and advise students, and for parents to guide their children’s technology use, there is a need for understanding how AI works and to build a base level of AI literacies. This six week online learning experience, offered by the leading edtech research centre in Australia, provides a supportive, practical and research informed overview of AI in primary and secondary education.
Learning experience facilitators
Dr Florence Gabriel
Dr Florence Gabriel is an Enterprise Fellow in Education Futures and Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning. She is a learning scientist with a background in experimental psychology and educational neuroscience. Before joining UniSA, she was a policy analyst at the OECD and worked on their Education 2030 project. Her current research focuses on self-regulated learning, mathematics anxiety and AI in education.
Dr. Vitomir Kovanovic
Dr. Vitomir Kovanovic is a Senior Lecturer in Learning Analytics at the Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning (C3L) at UniSA, working in Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education. His research focuses on developing novel learning analytics systems using learners’ trace data records collected by learning management systems to understand and improve student learning.
Sam Fowler
Sam is a lecturer and researcher at the School of Education whilst engaging with schools through the Universities outreach programs. Drawing on an extensive career in schools Sam’s research centers on the use of professional development to encourage innovative application of digital tools. Additional research interests encompass Self-Regulated Learning and the cultivation of higher-order skills through collaboration with artificial intelligence.
Dr Rebecca Marrone
Dr Rebecca Marrone is a Lecturer: Learning Sciences and Development for the Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning (C3L) at UnISA. Her research is primarily in the fields of creativity, educational psychology and human and artificial cognition across varying educational contexts.
Dr Srecko Joksimovic
Dr Srecko Joksimovic is a Senior Lecturer in Data Science at the Education Futures, University of South Australia. His research is centred around augmenting abilities of individuals to solve complex problems in collaborative settings. Srecko is particularly interested in evaluating the influence of contextual, social, cognitive, and affective factors on groups and individuals as they solve complex real-world problems. In so doing, he utilizes a wide range of methods from machine learning, artificial intelligence, and natural language processing, as well as data science and social computing in general. Srecko has a strong publication record in top journal and conference venues in the fields of learning analytics, educational data mining, and learning technologies. His work has received considerable recognition in the international research community as evidenced through several best paper awards, scholarships, and stipends. He has been actively involved in the development of the learning analytics research field. He served on the Executive Committee of the Society for Learning Analytics Research for four years, between 2015 and 2019. Currently, Srecko is a Committee member of the ASCILITE Learning Analytics SIG and a LAK21 Conference Program Chair.